Not all predictive analytics tools are born equal The main objective of any “Advanced Analytic” tool is to generate the best, most accurate, ranking (or “list of candidates”). There are mainly 2 different approaches to generate the ranking: segmentation or prediction. Different softwares use different approaches. Segmentation tools This covers 99% of the available tools.
Controlling Model Drift With Timi Modeler Timi modeler is a great tool to get models fast. It doesn’t mean they have to be “rough” or ‘inaccurate”. With its default settings, Timi modeler allows citizen data scientists to have, very quickly, a robust model that will have an incredible lift, and identify properly the key variables, and
Gartner Meets TIMi On February 9th, 2016, Gartner released the new version of the Magic Quadrant for Advanced Analytics Platform, where we can read that “TIMi, based in Brussels, Belgium, is known for its modeling software, which has a very fast execution speed even on very small hardware. It has particular strength in modelling Telco-churn,