The TIMi Suite

This download contains everything that you need to get you started!
No administrative privileges are required to install & run TIMi.

Offline/portable installer: click here.

Third-Party tools & Utilities

ODBC drivers for your Database

These drivers allows TIMi to read&write into almost all database engines.

For your convenience, we provide you with a local copy of the ODBC drivers for the most well-known databases: See here.

TIMi is compatible with almost all database engines, old and new: MS-SQL-Server, Oracle, Access, Teradata, DB2, SAP, Sybase, MySQL, Hive…

A scheduling engine

With a scheduling engine, you can run automatically your TIMi data-transformations every day. TIMi is compatible with any scheduling tool but we advise you to use Jenkins because Jenkins is tightly integrated with TIMi: For example, you get a Special Android application that allows you to track (and re-run, if necessary) the completion of your TIMi-based Jenkins tasks.

For your convenience, we provide you with a local copy of Jenkins here.

A revision control system

With a revision control system, you can keep track of the different versions of your Anatella data-transformations. TIMi/Anatella is compatible with any versioning system: Git (or TortoiseGit), SVN (or TortoiseSVN), etc.

For your convenience, we provide you with a local copy of TortoiseSVN (our personal favorite) or TortoiseGit.

Python Engine (You must use Anaconda v3.xx)

Download it directly from us here (No administrative privileges required: i.e. Just download & extract the zip file)

Download it from the official Anaconda website here (Administrative privileges are required to run the Anaconda installer tool)

A disk-level encryption tool

When working with sensitive data on your local computer/laptop, it’s quite common to store all your files inside an encrypted drive.

We recommend “Bitlocker” or “TrueCrypt”.

For you comfort, you can download TrueCrypt from us from here.

OleDB Drivers

Anatella and TIMi read (and write) natively 99% of the datasets produced by SAS (i.e. the .sas7bdat files) *without* requiring the installation of any SAS drivers. However, if you are using compressed or encrypted SAS files (these kind of SAS files are exceptionally rare), then the official OleDB driver created by SAS has to be installed.

You can download the SAS OleDB drivers directly from the SAS website here. For your comfort, a local copy of these drivers is also available here.



The TIMi installation comes in different sizes. We recommend to install the Medium Size.


Minimum Install


Medium Install


Full Install

What’s included?

Download & Install later through Anatella or here
Download & Install later through Anatella
Download & Install later through Anatella or here
Download & Install later through Anatella or here
Download & Install later through Anatella
Download & Install later through Anatella
Download & Install later through Stardust or here (only available on 64-bit OS)
See previous section
~ 80 MB ~ 280 MB ~ 690 MB
~ 118 MB ~ 680 MB ~ 1.4 GB


You don’t have any internet connection on your server and still want
to install TIMi? Use the off-line installer!


Minimum Install


Full Install

file1, file2, file3 file1, file2, file3
file1, file2, file3 file1, file2, file3
~ 80 MB ~ 690 MB
~ 118 MB ~ 1.4 GB

Detailed instructions for the installation
of the TIMi Portable downloads

  1. Download the 3 files from the 3 URL given here above (file1, file2, file3)
  2. Close all Anatella&TIMi windows. Also close the PDF help window.
  3. Place the 3 downloaded files inside the same directory and execute (double-click) the file “unzip_TIMixx_Portable_xxx_in_C_SOFT.bat”.This will install TIMi inside the (default) directory: “C:\soft\TIMi” (and it will also move the previous TIMi installation inside “C:\soft\TIMi_old”, just in case)

You’ll find here more details on the TIMi installation procedure.

The above installation instructions are also explained in more details inside this Youtube video tutorial:
