Straightforward industrialization
of R&D findings

Anatella scripts can be executed in command line, via REST API, via scheduler, and will run on both Windows and Linux server.


Integration with any scheduler tool is easy for daily/weekly/monthly automated runs. In particular, Anatella has been thoughtfully tested with the famous Jenkins scheduler. You can easily use Jenkins to schedule all your Anatella jobs. Jenkins is 100% free. Jenkins is also one of the most easy-to-use, most versatile and stable scheduler.

One particular noticeable feature of Jenkins is “distributed computation”: i.e. Jenkins can run all your Anatella jobs in a cluster of Servers for true unlimited computing power (i.e. almost zero incompressible time).

Here is a YouTube video that explain how to put an Anatella graph “in production” (inside Jenkins or any other scheduler): it is a simple, easy and straightforward procedure.

We also created a special Android App that allows you to monitor your Jenkins server. This application is optimized to run on a Smartwatch. Using your Smartwatch you can monitor your Anatella jobs and even, re-run a failed job straight from your wrist.

Download TIMi Notifier App


In opposition to most open source tools, the manipulated data are not limited to the RAM of your system. Whatever the size of your data, you’ll always be able to process it with Anatella. We also made sure that the computation-time also increases approximatively linearly with the data size: i.e. you double your data size, you double your processing time (in comparison, other tools exhibits computation times that increases exponentially).

Upward compatible

We ensure full upward compatibility between all TIMi tools and all versions ever produced since more than 10 years. You will never have to wrote your script or code to adapt them to a newer version of TIMI/Anatella.


Anatella offers an encapsulation system for coding that prevents any error from spreading over your analytical system. You can also use mix inside the same graph different specific version of the R or Python engine to ensure successful compatibility and integration of your code.