Timi modeling engine is 100% multithreaded, vectorized and cache-optimized.
It produces predictive models significantly faster and with more accuracy than most off-the-shelves tools.
Examples on a laptop
As the key ingredient of a good model is proper feature engineering, speed is a data scientist’s best friend: as you get results faster, you can test more ideas, and have more impacts in organizations.
Using a single PC with Timi modeler, a healthcare institution built a high-performance model on 6 million rows, 24.000 variables in only 4 hours (individual risk of heart attack within 6 months).
With Timi modeler, an energy company built a fraud prediction model in only 20 minutes with 18.000.000 rows and over 200 columns.
Speed of course would be irrelevant without precision. Since 2007, Timi modeler produces predictive models that are significantly more accurate than other off-the-shelves tools. This fact is demonstrated by our outstanding results at various world-level data mining competitions (KDD Cups) and by real industrial benchmarks.
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All examples mentionned on this page are running on this laptop: