5.23.44. Unlocks Zoho CRM

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5.23.44. Unlocks Zoho CRM


Icon:   clip1168


Function: zohoUnlock


Property window:




Short description:


Unlocks access to Zoho CRM.


Long Description:


Before downloading data from Zoho CRM with Anatella, you need to get the 4 parameters:


Client ID (Parameter P1)

Cient Secret (Parameter P2)

Region (Parameter P3)

Refresh Token: You get this parameter using the current clip1169  zohoUnlock action.


…from the ZohoCRM website.


Here are the steps to get these 4 parameters:

1.Log-in into the ZohoCRM website as usual. The parameter P3 (i.e. the region) is visible here:




2.Open the URL: https://api-console.zoho.eu/ (replace the “.eu” url-extention with your own region) and click on the “GET STARTED” button:




3.Click on the “Server based Applications” option:





4.Fill-in the next form. You can use any value for the “Client Name” or the “Homepage url”. The parameter named “Authorized Redirect URIs” must be:





5.Click on the “Client Secret” menu.

You get your “Client ID” (parameter P1) and your “Client Secret” (parameter P2) here:




6.Copy/paste your newly found “Client ID” and “Client Secret” inside the parameters P1&P2 of the clip1175  zohoUnlock action inside Anatella and run the Action. Your browser opens. Login-in as usual inside your ZohoCRM Account:





7.Click the “Accept” button to allow you to download your ZohoCRM data:





8.You finally get your “Refresh Token”:

