4.7.3. Silent mode & Quiet mode

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4.7.3. Silent mode & Quiet mode


You have two solutions to suppresses the creation of any Anatella Log-window (i.e. to run Anatella in “Silent Mode” without displaying any Window):

1. The first (and preferred) solution is to write:

AnatellaConsole.exe  MyGraph.anatella


2.The second (legacy&deprecated) solution is to use “Anatella.exe” with the “-s” command-line option. For example, we’ll have:

Anatella.exe –e MyGraph.anatella  -s -te



The “Quiet mode” is enabled using the “-q” command-line option. When running Anatella in “Quiet mode”, all warning messages are removed from the log window. For example, this command-line:

Anatella.exe –e mygraph.anatella  -q


…will execute the “mygraph.anatella” data-transformation-graph in “Quiet mode”.



The “AnatellaConsole” process is very useful when running Anatella Graphs from another language (i.e. from Python, Jenkins, Php, etc.): see the section 4.9. to know more about this subject.





The “-s”, “Silent mode” option “propagates down” to all the called subgraphs. To illustrate this propagation, let’s look at the following example:














In the above example, the following command-line:

Anatella.exe –e Job_B.anatella  -s

…will execute the following data-transformation-graphs in “Silent mode”: Job_B.anatella, Job_X.anatella, Job_Y.anatella, Job_Z.anatella.