4.7.1. Re-Defining “Anatella Global Variables” on the command-line

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4.7.1. Re-Defining “Anatella Global Variables” on the command-line


You can optionally redefine the value of several “Anatella Global Variables” on the command-line. See section 5.1.5. to know more about “Anatella Global Variables”.


For example, if we want to define the “global variable” named “outputFile” as “d:\my data\outFile.gel_anatella”, we will write (the quotes are required because of the white space character in the filename):

Anatella.exe –e "<file_to_execute.anatella>" "-DoutputFile=d:\my data\outFile.gel_anatella"


If the Anatella-Graph to execute already contains a “global variable” named “outputFile”, then the value given on the command-line has a higher priority: Anatella discard the value saved inside the Anatella-Graph file and uses the value of the “global variable” as defined on the command-line.


Another example: If we want to define the “Anatella Global Variables” “A” as “123” and “B” as “456”, we will write:


AnatellaConsole.exe "<file_to_execute.anatella>" -DA=123  -DB=465