5.2.6.  Mouse Pick Mode [MOUSE MODE]

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5.2.6.  Mouse Pick Mode [MOUSE MODE]


When you click on the STARDU~1_img131 button, you enter the “Moue Pick Mode”. In this mode, the mouse operate in the following way:


Left-Click hold and drag the mouse: the points in the blue rectangle are ADDED to the selection.

Right-Click hold and drag the mouse: the points in the blue rectangle are SUBSTRACTED from the selection.

Middle-Click: switch between the “Camera move and rotation ModeSTARDU~1_img129 and the “Mouse Pick ModeSTARDU~1_img131. You can also switch between modes with the “space” key.

All the individuals that are inside the selection are in dark-blue colour.


Inside the lower-left side of the window, you get some information about your selection: the amount of individual inside the selection in percentage and in absolute value. The vertical bar on the left-side of the window represents the same information:

