Twitter first time setup

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Navigation:  5. Detailed description of the Actions > 5.23. Cloud services > 5.23.46. Twitter > Twitter first time setup

Before using the Twitter Action inside Anatella, you need to get these 2 parameters:

Anatella Parameter P19: Consumer API Key

Anatella Parameter P20: Consumer API Secret

…from the Twitter website.


Here are the steps to get these 2 parameters:

1.Open the url https://developer.twitter.com/en/app (if necessary, login with your credentials).
Once you are logged in, click on the “Create an app” button:




2. Enter the following details for the new app:





3.Click the “Create” button:




4.Open (i.e. click on) the “Keys and tokens” tab:




5.The Anatella Parameter P19 (Consumer API Key) and the Anatella Parameter P20 (Consumer API Secret) are directly visible here:   number1    Copy-paste them into Anatella!

6.Your Twitter API Key is not immeditaly activated: You first need to wait a few minutes before it actually allows you to log-in into Tweeter with Anatella.