5.23.16. List the files on a Google Cloud Storage

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5.23.16. List the files on a Google Cloud Storage


Icon: clip0584


Function: GoogleStorageListFiles


Property window:




Short description:

List the files on a Google Cloud Storage.


Long Description:

This Action also works when accessing the web through a PROXY server: Please consult the section for more details on this subject.

To be able to use this Action, you need to get these 3 parameters from Google: (1) your “Client ID”, (2) your “Client Secret”, (3) your “Refresh Token”. To get these 3 parameters, you must use the clip0585 “Unlock Google Services” action detailed in section 5.23.11.

You can get the names of all your accessible “Buckets” using the GoogleStorageListBuckets action detailed in section 5.23.20.