Using the “in-memory mode” to compute several aggregations simultaneously

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Navigation:  5. Detailed description of the Actions > 5.5. Standard > 5.5.5. Aggregate (Group by) (High-Speed action) > Using the “in-memory mode” to compute several aggregations simultaneously


When using the “in-memory mode” of the clip0148  Aggregate Action, you can compute several aggregations (i.e. output tables) at the same time. For example, the two following Anatella-Graphs are equivalent but the second one is (at least) two times faster than the first one:




Inside the second graph here above, we used the fact that the Anatella “Aggregate Action” is able to compute several aggregation tables “in parallel”, requiring only one pass over the database to compute all the aggregation tables. This is a unique functionality of Anatella. Thanks to this functionality, the running-time of an Anatella-transformation-graphs containing several aggregations is usually divided by 2 or 3 (or even 4) compared to a standard implementation based on ELT techniques and simple SQL scripts. Anatella delivers you high-performance & ultra-fast computations!