5.17.1. Aggregate on Columns (High-Speed clip0090 action)

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5.17.1. Aggregate on Columns (High-Speed clip0090 action)


Icon: ANATEL~4_img193

Function: SumOnColumns


Property window:




Short description:


Sum some columns.


Long Description:


This Action creates some new columns that   are the sum of the selected columns.

For example:



The table connected to the pin 0 of the ANATEL~4_img193 AggregateOnColumns Action is the table on which to compute all the aggregation. The table connected to the pin 1 of the ANATEL~4_img193 AggregateOnColumns Action is optional. This optional 3-columns-table defines some additional aggregations to compute. For example, the above Anatella graph is equivalent to:




The third column on the second input pin (i.e. the column “Op” in the example above) may contain the following strings (case insensitive): imin, imax, smin, smax, first (first non-null), last (last non-null), mean, product, geometricMean, stdDev, countDistinct, countNonEmpty, countNonNull, countNonZero, mostCommonModality, countMostCommonModality.


The ANATEL~4_img193 AggregateOnColumns Action can run inside a N-Way multithreaded section (see section 5.3.2. about multithreading).