Manipulating Dates-stored-as-Key.

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Navigation:  5. Detailed description of the Actions > 5.5. Standard > 5.5.6. Calculator (High-Speed action) > Manipulating Dates-stored-as-Key.


You can use the clip0163Calculator Action to make different computations on Dates&Times in a very efficient way: For example: This will compute the “Number of Elapsed Days Since Activation”, based on the column “ActivationDate” that is converted as a Date-stored-as-Key:




Here is another example: This will compute the “Event Time Of Day” (i.e. “before noon” or “after noon”), based on the column “Event Time” that is converted as a Date-stored-as-Key:




The modulo operator can be used to know the “hour in the day”, the “minute in the day”, the “day in the week”, etc.