4.7.6. Clearing the default value of all the “Anatella Global Variables”

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4.7.6. Clearing the default value of all the “Anatella Global Variables”


This command-line:

Anatella.exe -e mygraph.anatella  -c -DA=123  -DB=465

…will reset *ALL* the “Anatella Global Variables” to the empty value and then set the “Anatella Global Variables” “A” as “123” and “B” as “456”.


This option is useful to be sure to correctly re-define on the command-line the value of all the “Anatella Global Variables”: i.e. if you forgot to re-define one variable, Anatella will use the “empty value” (and not the default value of the graph): This way you can easily “spot” the variables that you forgot to re-define.